Tim May 1, 2015 An interesting Infographic by Container Home Plans, demonstrating how the humble shipping container has transformed the way we trade around the world.
Hazel July 4, 2013 Modified shipping containers People may say “How can you get so excited about containers, Container Team? What’s the attraction?” When we see all these new and exciting ways of using modified shipping containers, how could we not be excited?...
Hazel October 18, 2012 Looking for storage space? If you’re a sports club and looking for more storage space for your kit & equipment, you’ll like this story! We’ve just delivered a new container to one of our customers in Bristol. We enjoy all our jobs of course, but...
Hazel July 27, 2012 As we told you earlier this year, on the 1stĀ April 2012 Container Team turned ten years old. So now we’re 3 months plus down the line, what’s happening in our celebration year? The business has grown and grown over the last 10 years and we offer a number...