Hazel June 5, 2014 When people think about containers they usually imagine a large battered, leaking old box that’s been sat in the forgotten corner of the world. Well, let me now dispel that myth and explain how a container could literately change your life! Containers are used to...
Hazel April 29, 2014 They say that moving house is one of the most stressful things to do, at Container Team we all agree having moved a number of times. With all the hassle of exchanging contracts and obtaining keys for your new property there could become times when the property you are...
Hazel April 28, 2014 Since 2007/2008 we have noticed a steady increase in the number of people using container storage. Businesses large and small are choosing a container storage option when considering moving to larger business premises. Some are buying or renting containers for...
Hazel April 25, 2014 Container or Shed? Container or Shed? That’s a choice for a number of people, Schools and Businesses that need somewhere to store their items. Sometimes the shed is a cheaper option, so that is what is chosen, but is this a false economy? A container has quite a few...
Hazel March 31, 2014 Recently we have been asked to supply modified containers for organisations and local councils for cycling projects for the disabled. Cycles are available for the disabled to enjoy riding safely using paths and cycle tracks safely away from traffic. Some of the...